Edward Jenner School
Making Learning Happen


Logo uniform can be ordered from the school. Please contact by phone or email ejs-supplies@edwardjennerschool.org
School Uniform
This consists of:
Any sensible trousers, skirts or shorts
A white formal shirt/ blouse or white polo shirt
For pupils aged 12-16, a black school jumper and/or a black school fleece with logo
For pupils aged 5-12, a grey school jumper and/or a grey school fleece with logo
For pupils aged 5-12, an orange school polo shirt with logo, for school visits
School shoes or walking shoes (no sandals)
Sports Kit
PE shorts black, grey or navy blue
White or plain colour t-shirt
Tracksuit trousers and top black, grey or navy blue
Training shoes suitable for outside
Waterproof jacket to be in school every day of the week. Please make sure the jackets are waterproof not showerproof.
Wellington boots and waterproof trousers for trips out and playing in the school grounds
Sun hat/ sun cream/ warm hat/ gloves (seasonal)